We stock loads of stuff to keep your horse in tip-top condition, leatherwork (and products to keep them clean and supple), rugs, fly nets, and exercise sheets — for all weather conditions, cleaning products and aids to keep your stable and paddocks clean and tidy... and so much more!
Give us a ring...
01722 741447
Horse wear...
Numnahs and saddlecloths: KM Elite Jumper's Horse Line Elico Weatherbeeta.
Leatherwork: Jumper's Horse Line Elico Collegiate Horseware.
Lorinery: Jumper's Horse Line Weatherbeeta.
Headcollars: Jumper's Horse Line KM Elite Horseware.
Horse boots: Horseware Woof Wear Elico.
Rugs: Horseware Weatherbeeta Elico.
See a small selection of our horse wear >>
Stable stuff...
Grooming: Supergroom CDM Wahl Robinsons Kevin Bacon.
Stable: Stubbs Elico KM Elite Harold Moore.
Supplements: Equine America Natraliving Health Naff.